C++ Dynamic Sanitizers Review - Test Suite
This repository contains C++ test code and support scripts developed to easily compare Memory Sanitizer tools like Valgrind, ASAN, Dr.Memory, etc
Review Results
The MIT License (MIT)
Branch Model
This repository is following GitHub Flow branch model Read more @ GitHub Flow before you commit changes to this repository.
The following are required for building this source code.
- GCC 4.9.3 or above
Normal Build
/usr/local/gcc-4.9.3/bin/g++ -o MCTester -O -g -Wall main.cpp
ASAN Build
/usr/local/gcc-4.9.3/bin/g++ -o MCTester_ASAN -static-libstdc++ -static-libasan -O -g -fsanitize=address -fno-omit-frame-pointer -Wall main.cpp
e.g. Run only Test 1;
/mnt/ValgrindInstallations/SuSE-11-SP3/valgrind-3.11.0/vg-in-place --tool=memcheck MCTester 1 1
MCTester_ASAN 1 1
/mnt/DrMemory-Linux-1.10.0-2/bin>./drmemory -light -- MCTester 1 1
Additional Settings
Run Time flags of ASAN
export ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks=1:verbose=1
detect_leaks will enable LeakSanitizer (LSAN) with ASAN
Options to enable when running Valgrind
with --keep-stacktraces=none --undef-value-errors=no options to be inline with ASAN features
Options to enable when running Dr.Memory
-light : This will not detect uninitialized read and memory leak errors (to be inline with ASAN features)
-light -count_leaks : This will not detect uninitialized read errors, but lists leak errors.
Major features
- Test suite can be run all tests e.g. MCTester_ASAN
- Test suite can run range of tests e.g. MCTester_ASAN 1 - 10
- Test suite can run tests starting from a test MCTester_ASAN 10 - this will execute all 10,11,12,....
- Test suite can run individual test e.g. MCTester_ASAN 1 1 - will execute only Test 1